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Altar Egos Spiritual Products


Spiritual Ritual Oils

Spiritual Ritual Oils may be used in numerous ways.  The most common include:

  • As a condition oil- a condition oil is used on a person or people to effect, or affect the, a behavior or condition.  For example: Increasing the overall luck of an individual.

  • As a dressing oil- a dressing oil is used by adding a layer of the oil onto an object such as a candle, talisman or stone, in order to impart the characteristics of the oil onto the object.  For example: Blessing a particular item, stone or talisman.

  • As a ceremonial oil- a ceremonial oil is an oil used in workings to provide a specific effect, or to influence the magic, intent, outcome in a specific way.  For example: Speeding up the outcome of a spell. 

  • Ritual oils are both ingredient and intention based, meaning the stronger, the more concise, and more willpower being the intention, the stronger the effect of the oil. 

Spiritual Waters

Water has always been sacred in magic and magical practices.  As an Element, Water, imparts psychic power, adaptability, purification, innovation and flow.  Spiritual Waters are alchemically formulated to increase and amplify intentions set by the caster and carry many uses.   Water uses and methodology include:

  • As a cleansing agent for ritual tools, spaces, people etc.

  • As a transmutation tool designed to create adaptability to intention work.

  • As an abjuration medium used in protective magics and rituals. 

  • As a catalyst for ritual baths. 

Spiritual Ritual Powders

Spiritual Powders can be used in numerous ways.  The most common include:

  • As an oil additive: Spiritual Powders may be added to carrier oils to imbue their magical components to the oil, then the oil may be utilized in accordance to other ritual oil methods.

  • In Suffumigation: Suffumigation is the act of burning material and utilizing the smoke for spiritual purposes, similar to smudging.

  • In mojo, Medicine, Trick (etc) bags: Spiritual powders may be added to intention/spell pouches to to provide a desired effect.

  • In Ritual, Magical workings: Spiritual powders are often added to workings to provide intention, characteristics or influence to the spell. 

About Tria Prima Botanica

Artist, Alchemist, Accredited Herbalist.  Located in Idaho.

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Tria Prima Botanica LLC. does not claim that any of its products cure, treat, diagnose, or prevent any physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual response, situation or ailment.

All associated suggestions for our products usage are made from a place of historical novelty, their references, lore and/or faith-based concepts for the possibility of the revival, and/or transmission of such traditions.

Tria Prima Botanica LLC. does not guarantee, except or claim to produce any perceptions, effects, results, goals and other such desired pursuits, sensations and/or experiences by interested individuals upon usage or purchase of our products, all of which are sold as curios only and are not intended for consumption.

These curios, in their entirety should only be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for medical treatment, diagnosis, or examination. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Tria Prima Botanica LLC. would like to advise that any discussion, literature, perspectives, or experiences relating to such curios, are based on our own personal knowledge and should not be implemented as or replaced for your own.

Even though these curios may claim historical reference, lore, or other faith-based abilities, powers or properties, their actualities, direct or indirect are alleged and should only be considered as such.

This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act: The statements on this site have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Any information that may be found anywhere on this site is not presented as a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. This site does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly.

When you purchase and/or use a Tria Prima Botanica LLC. product, or brands, you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Tria Prima Botanica LLC., its principals, owner, personal representatives, consultants, employees and assigns from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, financial, emotional, psychological or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of the products sold on premises on this website.

Tria Prima Botanica LLC. shares with you the best of intentions. We sincerely hope that each person we come in contact with, whether directly or indirectly has a positive and insightful experience with our products. We will consider that purchase any of our curios is made on the basis of your own freedom of choice.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact Tria Prima Botanica LLC.

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